Monday, August 16, 2010

A Tribute to the Blog: I AM WOMAN....

As of late I have been glancing from blog to blog and I want to acknowledge one that has really hit home with me...

mxtodis123 her blog "I am Woman" is inspiring she has many great links, information and its beautifully done as many others but this one issue she brought forth...

About Crimes against Women here is her link:

Once I read what she said...I immediately thought of a Movie I had rented called.."The Stoning of Soraya M." It blew me away from all the emotions I felt to the knowledge I gained about These women's plights overseas and their suffering.

If you have not seen this movie you should rent it. It is from a true story a is a 2008 American drama film adapted from French-Iranian journalist Freidoune Sahebjam's 1990 book La Femme Lapidée, based on a true story.
The book has been banned in Iran because of its perceived critical attitude toward the Iranian legal system.
Stranded in a remote Iranian village, Sahebjam is approached by Zahra, a woman with a harrowing tale to tell about her niece, Soraya, and the bloody circumstances of her death the day before. Her story attempts to expose the inhumanity of Sharia Law. Her last and only hope for justice lies in the hands of the journalist, who must escape with the story - and his life - in order to communicate the violence to the world.
There are many sites you can log onto to view the information here.
When I rented this movie...I thought I was prepared for what I was going to see...I wasn't. I was bawling like a baby...outraged and appalled.
Women all over the world are treated terribly our plights are long, harrowing and full of danger. We have come so far, yet...the road still lays so far ahead with no end in sight.
I will do as "I AM WOMAN"'s blog stated and be lighting a candle today for our sisters still in harm's way and suffering needlessly. I hope this will enlighten you and bring forth so many of your emotions as this did for me.

I appreciate mxtodis123 and the way she made me stop and think...ponder and recall what I am so grateful be the woman I am, in the country I am with the freedoms I have.
Many many thanks.

Please don't just read this...follow to the the movie...Show your awareness & together maybe some how, some way we will make a difference.

I had watched this movie here is the link:*:IE-Address&rlz=1I7TSHB_enUS326&prmd=vl&source=univ&tbs=vid:1&tbo=u&ei=hVJpTOCTGcGclgf-2LieBQ&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CD4QqwQwAw

Brightest Blessings )o(


  1. I heard about this movie from a friend a few months ago. I took the time to watch it, and it is a very heart-wrenching movie. To think that women are treated like this is horrible. Even right now, there is a woman who's been in prison for 5 years I believe it is. Her children have written letters to have her released. Her plight is similar to Soraya's. We can only hope she will not suffer the same fate.

    I too would recommend everyone take the time to sit and watch this movie.

  2. Thank you. And many thanks for the link.


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